Last Summer (1969)
(too old to reply)
2014-06-12 06:19:45 UTC
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
And the only surviving print, 16mm, was found in Australia.

'Frank Perry's "Last Summer" was one of a handful of high-profile
X-rated movies that were released in 1969 along with the Oscar-winning
best picture "Midnight Cowboy" and Haskell Wexler's docudrama, "Medium

I don't know if those in the US can see this on Netflix or anywhere else.

2014-06-12 06:25:18 UTC
Post by hislop
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
Thanks. Just found it online. Will write it up in a couple of days, after my Wellman retrospective is over.
2014-06-12 14:35:18 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by hislop
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
Thanks. Just found it online. Will write it up in a couple of days, after my Wellman retrospective is over.
I'm assuming your buying that tape or what?
I only found a clip from the movie on youtube.
2014-06-12 15:42:57 UTC
Post by hislop
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by hislop
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
Thanks. Just found it online. Will write it up in a couple of days, after my Wellman retrospective is over.
I'm assuming your buying that tape or what?
I only found a clip from the movie on youtube.
You'll need DivX to watch (free download, seems harmless enough...)

- greg
2014-06-12 16:10:54 UTC
Post by SLGreg
You'll need DivX to watch (free download, seems harmless enough...)
Don't need nothing to download or stream here:

2014-06-12 16:22:00 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by SLGreg
You'll need DivX to watch (free download, seems harmless enough...)
Must be a Chrome thing. Asked for the DivX plug in there, too.
- greg
2014-06-12 16:35:47 UTC
Post by SLGreg
Must be a Chrome thing. Asked for the DivX plug in there, too.
I'm using Chrome and I never downloaded anything. The link is under the screen grab. Arrives as an avi and plays just fine in VLC.
2014-06-14 15:19:31 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by SLGreg
You'll need DivX to watch (free download, seems harmless enough...)
it asked for my credit card info to get a membership which it went to
when I clicked the download link
2014-06-14 15:32:22 UTC
Post by hislop
it asked for my credit card info to get a membership which it went to
when I clicked the download link
See the screen grab (or frozen video still)? Under it says "Direct download link (.avi file)." Just option-click on a Mac or that other button on a PC and down it comes.
2014-06-15 01:57:45 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by hislop
it asked for my credit card info to get a membership which it went to
when I clicked the download link
See the screen grab (or frozen video still)? Under it says "Direct download link (.avi file)." Just option-click on a Mac or that other button on a PC and down it comes.
aah, the bittorrent link someone posted is larger so I am trying that.
you have to watch those links these days, they put download all over the
2014-06-12 22:49:34 UTC
Post by SLGreg
Post by hislop
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by hislop
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
Thanks. Just found it online. Will write it up in a couple of days, after my Wellman retrospective is over.
I'm assuming your buying that tape or what?
I only found a clip from the movie on youtube.
You'll need DivX to watch (free download, seems harmless enough...)
Beware of geeks bearing .GIF's
2014-06-17 00:00:21 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by SLGreg
Post by hislop
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by hislop
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
Thanks. Just found it online. Will write it up in a couple of days, after my Wellman retrospective is over.
I'm assuming your buying that tape or what?
I only found a clip from the movie on youtube.
You'll need DivX to watch (free download, seems harmless enough...)
That's made from VHS so a disappointing look. I haven't watched it much
Looking at Mediainfo it is PAL resolution 720 X 576 but at NTSC speed of
29.970 fps. Maybe it was sped up by the 4% from a PAL source, which
might mean it comes from a place like Australia.
2014-06-17 00:15:54 UTC
Post by hislop
Post by Lewis
Post by SLGreg
Post by hislop
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by hislop
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
Thanks. Just found it online. Will write it up in a couple of days,
after my Wellman retrospective is over.
I'm assuming your buying that tape or what?
I only found a clip from the movie on youtube.
You'll need DivX to watch (free download, seems harmless enough...)
That's made from VHS so a disappointing look. I haven't watched it much
Looking at Mediainfo it is PAL resolution 720 X 576 but at NTSC speed of
29.970 fps. Maybe it was sped up by the 4% from a PAL source, which
might mean it comes from a place like Australia.
correction: slowed down the 4%
2014-06-20 15:28:57 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by SLGreg
Post by hislop
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by hislop
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
Thanks. Just found it online. Will write it up in a couple of days, after my Wellman retrospective is over.
I'm assuming your buying that tape or what?
I only found a clip from the movie on youtube.
You'll need DivX to watch (free download, seems harmless enough...)
I think someone took the other movie download, off the 'stagevu' site,
and re processed the video to a PAL resolution. So I prefer the
'stagevu' (xvid) one over this one.

2014-06-12 14:44:19 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by hislop
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
Thanks. Just found it online. Will write it up in a couple of days, after my Wellman retrospective is over.
I do have a memory of seeing what was probably this movie on television.
I wonder if it was from that 16mm print. I remember quite clearly the
awkward girl. Maybe the sex scene was cut though. No comment on that
site on the condition of the print they got.
2014-06-12 17:22:51 UTC
Post by hislop
I do have a memory of seeing what was probably this movie on
television. I wonder if it was from that 16mm print. I remember
quite clearly the awkward girl. Maybe the sex scene was cut
though. No comment on that site on the condition of the print they
Likewise, I saw it when I was a teen. I don't recall seeing the
actual rape. Wiki sez it was edited out: "...the original "X" rated
version never saw the light of day..." I watched it only cuz I'd read
the story a few yrs earlier. I don't remember it as a novel, but
as a story in the Saturday Evening Post. Perhaps it was Reader's
Digest. Anyway, I remember Burns, vividly, and I remember holding a
grudge against Barbara Hershey for years afterward and refusing to
watch any movie she was in. I guess I finally forgave her as Clara
Allen in Return to Lonesome Dove, probably cuz by that time I was too
old to give a damn, anymore. Much like now and seeing that movie,
again. ;)

poisoned rose
2014-06-13 03:40:57 UTC
It has been on TCM a couple of times in the recent past.
2014-06-13 05:19:30 UTC
Post by poisoned rose
It has been on TCM a couple of times in the recent past.
*If* it was ever released as an X-rated movie, even in 1969, there is no
chance that version has ever been on TCM.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a
little way past them into the impossible.
poisoned rose
2014-06-13 08:38:03 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by poisoned rose
It has been on TCM a couple of times in the recent past.
*If* it was ever released as an X-rated movie, even in 1969, there is no
chance that version has ever been on TCM.
Well, you're wrong.

Here's just one bit of evidence I easily found:

2014-06-13 14:37:27 UTC
Post by poisoned rose
Post by Lewis
Post by poisoned rose
It has been on TCM a couple of times in the recent past.
*If* it was ever released as an X-rated movie, even in 1969, there is no
chance that version has ever been on TCM.
Well, you're wrong.
I don't think I am.
Post by poisoned rose
And? Where does that say the version on TCM is the same as an X-rated
'Who's that playing now, Mr. Dibbler?' "'And you".' 'Sorry, Mr.
Dibbler?' 'Only they write it &U,' said Dibbler. --Soul Music
2014-06-13 14:52:54 UTC
Post by Lewis
And? Where does that say the version on TCM is the same as an X-rated
Hold them horses, one darn minute. The film may not have changed as much as the rating. Midnight Cowboy -- among other films -- got an X rating when released in the early days of the new MPAA letter system. Almost immediately, the MPAA realized that all the "X" rating accomplished was to legitimize pornography and having done that, many newspapers and TV stations wouldn't run ads for an X-rated film. X was eventually replaced by NC-17 for really violent or graphic sexual material and films previously rated X were re-rated as R. So the content -- I'm seeing the film tomorrow -- that would be suggested by an X rating (as we now understand it) may not have been there to begin with.
2014-06-13 17:04:13 UTC
Post by w***@gmail.com
Post by Lewis
And? Where does that say the version on TCM is the same as an X-rated
Hold them horses, one darn minute. The film may not have changed as much as the rating. Midnight Cowboy -- among other films -- got an X rating when released in the early days of the new MPAA letter system. Almost immediately, the MPAA realized that all the "X" rating accomplished was to legitimize pornography and having done that, many newspapers and TV stations wouldn't run ads for an X-rated film. X was eventually replaced by NC-17 for really violent or graphic sexual material and films previously rated X were re-rated as R. So the content -- I'm seeing the film tomorrow -- that would be suggested by an X rating (as we now understand it) may not have been there to begin with.
Fwiw, though I remember MIDNIGHT COWBOY being released with an
'X'-rating, I don't remember one for LAST SUMMER. Wiki says:

"Given an X rating when first submitted to the MPAA due to a scene
depicting rape, the original "X" rated version never saw the light of
day, as the producers didn't want a scandalous rating to detract from
the movie itself. It was then edited down to an MPAA "R" rating for its
theatrical release but still has nudity and strong language. When the
film is broadcast occasionally on cable, a further PG Rated version is
presented which cuts out all nudity and heavily edits the assault scene.
The "R" version is the one seen in the VHS videotape release. The film
is not available on DVD, nor is the original X-rated version."
- - - - - - - -
YOUR taste at work...
poisoned rose
2014-06-13 20:58:01 UTC
Post by Lewis
Post by poisoned rose
And? Where does that say the version on TCM is the same as an X-rated
When has TCM ever cut a movie? They either show it or they don't.
Clifford Blau
2014-06-14 01:20:43 UTC
Post by hislop
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
And the only surviving print, 16mm, was found in Australia.
Had no idea it was rare. I've seen it at least a couple of times.
Excellent movie.

"Curse you, Don Tickles, Notary Public!"
2014-06-14 01:24:23 UTC
Post by Clifford Blau
Had no idea it was rare. I've seen it at least a couple of times.
Excellent movie.
I found it online in ten minutes. Seeing it soon.
2014-06-14 02:51:52 UTC
Post by Clifford Blau
"Curse you, Don Tickles, Notary Public!"
If you think this is funny, yer opinion jes bottomed out to zip.

Stephen DeMay
2014-06-14 02:08:34 UTC
Post by hislop
Apparently a very rare film. An expensive VHS copy is on Amazon.
And the only surviving print, 16mm, was found in Australia.
I saw it on release, have the vhs....two things stand out : the killing of the bird to show how depraved Barbara Seagull/Hersehey's character was and how Bruce Davison evolved from slime to an actor who has played really nice guys for many years now. Ironic how all three leads who were so mean spirited in this film came portray good souls afterwards
'Frank Perry's "Last Summer" was one of a handful of high-profile
X-rated movies that were released in 1969 along with the Oscar-winning
best picture "Midnight Cowboy" and Haskell Wexler's docudrama, "Medium
I don't know if those in the US can see this on Netflix or anywhere else.