Albert Einstein's movie
(too old to reply)
The Starmaker
2024-07-08 04:46:45 UTC
Now, here is more information
you have never heard before...

Where did "Klaatu, borrada, nicto." come from????

If you ask the 'supposedly' script writer on the credits
who was even credited with coming up with
Klaatu, borrada, nicto

he cannot give an answer.

Because the Truth is, he didn't come up with it, Albert Einstein did.

Every time they ask the 'supposedly' script writer

"How did you come up with that?, he responds with a different
answer each time. He simply doesn't know.

He is simply a script writer then who fronted movie scripts
for communists writers.

So, if you want to know what Klaatu, borrada, nicto translate to, you
to ask Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein is the communists writer behind the movie "The Day The
Earth Stood Still" 1951.

On Sat, 06 Jul 2024 12:26:39 -0700, The Starmaker
By now
most of yous
(if i didn't tell you you would never know, right?)
By now
most of yous
Albert Einstein was into...many things.
(i cannot list them all [it's tooo long], and a list is nowhere to be found)
but besides all the things
Albert Einstein produced a movie
for Hollywwod. also, wrote the script..
It's not your government I'm thinking
about. It's your world.
I am impatient with stupidity.
(quietly, after a glance around)
Well -- atomic power, I would imagine.
Maybe four thousand miles an hour.
And outside the Earth's atmosphere a
good deal faster
Well -- there are several ways to
reduce landing speed. You see, the
Velocity is the time rate of change
of position.
It's a problem in celestial mechanics.
It's really quite simple... The three-
body problem, you know.
We had our atomic wars -- thousands
of years ago.
(he smiles wryly)
After that we fought with bows and
arrows. Then, slowly, we learned
that fighting is no solution -- that
aggression leads to chaos.
Your choice is simple. Join us and
live in peace. Or pursue your present
course -- and face obliteration.
Now, if you read this, it's the same movie!
Albert Einstein 'voiced' his ideas through 2 charcaters in his movie: KLAATU, and Professor Barnhardt.
"Einstein saw world government as the only way to ensure lasting world peace.
But he was skeptical that an organization like the United Nations—which answered to the national governments of its member states—could prevent future wars.
In Einstein's view, world peace would be guaranteed only when the leaders of individual nations answered to a single, supranational government."
Klaatu's message about a supernational government is central to the theme of "The Day the Earth Stood Still." He explains that the universe is overseen by an interplanetary organization dedicated to maintaining peace and security among its member planets. This organization operates under a supernational government, which is a governing body that transcends individual national governments, ensuring the collective safety and harmony of the cosmos.
**1. Peaceful Federation: The supernational government consists of various planets that have come together to form a peaceful federation. These planets have agreed to live without violence and adhere to a common set of rules and principles that promote peace and cooperation.
**2. Enforcement by Robots: The organization employs a fleet of powerful robots, like Gort, to enforce its laws. These robots are programmed to detect and eliminate any form of aggression or warfare, ensuring that peace is maintained. They act as an interplanetary police force, capable of neutralizing threats swiftly and efficiently.
**3. Non-Negotiable Peace: The message emphasizes that the peace maintained by this supernational government is non-negotiable. Any planet that refuses to comply with the peaceful principles and continues to engage in violent behavior will be seen as a threat to the entire federation.
**4. Ultimatum to Humanity: Klaatu warns humanity that they must abandon their violent ways and join this peaceful federation. Failure to do so will result in Earth's destruction by the robots, who are programmed to eliminate any planet that poses a risk to the collective peace of the universe.
**5. Choice for Survival: Klaatu's message is ultimately about the choice humanity must make. They can choose to evolve and embrace peace, joining the interplanetary community, or continue down their current path of self-destruction, which will lead to their annihilation.
Klaatu's message serves as a powerful allegory for the Cold War era in which the film was made, urging cooperation and disarmament in a time of global tension and nuclear threat. It highlights the importance of unity and the dire consequences of continued conflict.
**1. Global Cooperation: Einstein believed that lasting peace could only be achieved through global cooperation. He emphasized the need for countries to work together, transcending national boundaries, to address common challenges and prevent war.
**2. Supranational Authority: Similar to the concept of a supernational government in "The Day the Earth Stood Still," Einstein advocated for the creation of a supranational authority that would have the power to control and regulate nuclear weapons. He argued that this authority should have the ability to enforce laws and ensure that no single nation could unilaterally develop or use atomic weapons.
**3. Disarmament and Regulation: Einstein called for the disarmament of existing nuclear arsenals and the strict regulation of atomic energy. He believed that without international oversight, the proliferation of nuclear weapons would lead to inevitable catastrophe.
**4. Human Survival: Einstein warned that the survival of humanity depended on our ability to manage and control the power of nuclear technology. He argued that the continued existence of nuclear weapons posed an existential threat to civilization and that only through collective action could we safeguard our future.
**5. Moral Responsibility: Einstein appealed to the moral responsibility of scientists, politicians, and citizens alike. He believed that those who understood the devastating potential of nuclear weapons had a duty to advocate for peace and work towards the establishment of a more just and secure world order.
"The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe."
"Mankind's desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government."
Einstein's advocacy for a supranational authority and his warnings about the dangers of nuclear weapons resonate with the message delivered by Klaatu in "The Day the Earth Stood Still."
Both emphasize the necessity of global cooperation and the establishment of a higher authority to ensure the survival and prosperity of humanity.
Communism in Movies. The script writer listed was known to 'represent'...commies.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
Of course, Isreal then wanted Albert Einstein to be President of Israel
for one reason only...
for Israel to take over the whole planet Earth!!!!
Israel wanted to make a supernational government, which is a governing
body that transcends individual national governments.
You shall answer only to Israel, or die.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
The Starmaker
2024-07-08 16:51:28 UTC
Now, since Albert Einstein then BELIEVED that people lived on Mars,


i don't know how to translate: "Klaatu, borrada, nicto."

since I don't speak Martian.

On Sun, 07 Jul 2024 21:46:45 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Now, here is more information
you have never heard before...
Where did "Klaatu, borrada, nicto." come from????
If you ask the 'supposedly' script writer on the credits
who was even credited with coming up with
Klaatu, borrada, nicto
he cannot give an answer.
Because the Truth is, he didn't come up with it, Albert Einstein did.
Every time they ask the 'supposedly' script writer
"How did you come up with that?, he responds with a different
answer each time. He simply doesn't know.
He is simply a script writer then who fronted movie scripts
for communists writers.
So, if you want to know what Klaatu, borrada, nicto translate to, you
to ask Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein is the communists writer behind the movie "The Day The
Earth Stood Still" 1951.
On Sat, 06 Jul 2024 12:26:39 -0700, The Starmaker
By now
most of yous
(if i didn't tell you you would never know, right?)
By now
most of yous
Albert Einstein was into...many things.
(i cannot list them all [it's tooo long], and a list is nowhere to be found)
but besides all the things
Albert Einstein produced a movie
for Hollywwod. also, wrote the script..
It's not your government I'm thinking
about. It's your world.
I am impatient with stupidity.
(quietly, after a glance around)
Well -- atomic power, I would imagine.
Maybe four thousand miles an hour.
And outside the Earth's atmosphere a
good deal faster
Well -- there are several ways to
reduce landing speed. You see, the
Velocity is the time rate of change
of position.
It's a problem in celestial mechanics.
It's really quite simple... The three-
body problem, you know.
We had our atomic wars -- thousands
of years ago.
(he smiles wryly)
After that we fought with bows and
arrows. Then, slowly, we learned
that fighting is no solution -- that
aggression leads to chaos.
Your choice is simple. Join us and
live in peace. Or pursue your present
course -- and face obliteration.
Now, if you read this, it's the same movie!
Albert Einstein 'voiced' his ideas through 2 charcaters in his movie: KLAATU, and Professor Barnhardt.
"Einstein saw world government as the only way to ensure lasting world peace.
But he was skeptical that an organization like the United Nations—which answered to the national governments of its member states—could prevent future wars.
In Einstein's view, world peace would be guaranteed only when the leaders of individual nations answered to a single, supranational government."
Klaatu's message about a supernational government is central to the theme of "The Day the Earth Stood Still." He explains that the universe is overseen by an interplanetary organization dedicated to maintaining peace and security among its member planets. This organization operates under a supernational government, which is a governing body that transcends individual national governments, ensuring the collective safety and harmony of the cosmos.
**1. Peaceful Federation: The supernational government consists of various planets that have come together to form a peaceful federation. These planets have agreed to live without violence and adhere to a common set of rules and principles that promote peace and cooperation.
**2. Enforcement by Robots: The organization employs a fleet of powerful robots, like Gort, to enforce its laws. These robots are programmed to detect and eliminate any form of aggression or warfare, ensuring that peace is maintained. They act as an interplanetary police force, capable of neutralizing threats swiftly and efficiently.
**3. Non-Negotiable Peace: The message emphasizes that the peace maintained by this supernational government is non-negotiable. Any planet that refuses to comply with the peaceful principles and continues to engage in violent behavior will be seen as a threat to the entire federation.
**4. Ultimatum to Humanity: Klaatu warns humanity that they must abandon their violent ways and join this peaceful federation. Failure to do so will result in Earth's destruction by the robots, who are programmed to eliminate any planet that poses a risk to the collective peace of the universe.
**5. Choice for Survival: Klaatu's message is ultimately about the choice humanity must make. They can choose to evolve and embrace peace, joining the interplanetary community, or continue down their current path of self-destruction, which will lead to their annihilation.
Klaatu's message serves as a powerful allegory for the Cold War era in which the film was made, urging cooperation and disarmament in a time of global tension and nuclear threat. It highlights the importance of unity and the dire consequences of continued conflict.
**1. Global Cooperation: Einstein believed that lasting peace could only be achieved through global cooperation. He emphasized the need for countries to work together, transcending national boundaries, to address common challenges and prevent war.
**2. Supranational Authority: Similar to the concept of a supernational government in "The Day the Earth Stood Still," Einstein advocated for the creation of a supranational authority that would have the power to control and regulate nuclear weapons. He argued that this authority should have the ability to enforce laws and ensure that no single nation could unilaterally develop or use atomic weapons.
**3. Disarmament and Regulation: Einstein called for the disarmament of existing nuclear arsenals and the strict regulation of atomic energy. He believed that without international oversight, the proliferation of nuclear weapons would lead to inevitable catastrophe.
**4. Human Survival: Einstein warned that the survival of humanity depended on our ability to manage and control the power of nuclear technology. He argued that the continued existence of nuclear weapons posed an existential threat to civilization and that only through collective action could we safeguard our future.
**5. Moral Responsibility: Einstein appealed to the moral responsibility of scientists, politicians, and citizens alike. He believed that those who understood the devastating potential of nuclear weapons had a duty to advocate for peace and work towards the establishment of a more just and secure world order.
"The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe."
"Mankind's desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government."
Einstein's advocacy for a supranational authority and his warnings about the dangers of nuclear weapons resonate with the message delivered by Klaatu in "The Day the Earth Stood Still."
Both emphasize the necessity of global cooperation and the establishment of a higher authority to ensure the survival and prosperity of humanity.
Communism in Movies. The script writer listed was known to 'represent'...commies.
The only good commie is a dead commie.
Of course, Isreal then wanted Albert Einstein to be President of Israel
for one reason only...
for Israel to take over the whole planet Earth!!!!
Israel wanted to make a supernational government, which is a governing
body that transcends individual national governments.
You shall answer only to Israel, or die.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge
the unchallengeable.
